Countering Common Website Objections
Many SMBs run their business through 3rd-party platforms instead of a self-hosted website that they fully own and control. Those ongoing 3rd-party subscription fees could be better allocated toward a genuine business asset that reaches a larger audience, generates more growth, is easier to manage, and is sustainable. And yet website objections are commonplace.
Countering Common Website Objections

In a digital age where an online presence is expected by consumers, budgeting for a website should be a no-brainer. And yet website objections are commonplace. It’s as if business owners are oblivious as to how a website can generate traction for their business.

To the business owners who may not understand the ramifications of using 3rd-party resources to build an online presence, this series is about dispelling the subjective nature of objections, reversing their underlying presumptions, and re-framing websites as an essential business asset when you host your own website.

And to the web designers who are selling a one-dimensional service (web design), building websites isn’t just about building an online footprint. It’s all about positioning, and solving problems (with a little bit o’ sales stuff thrown in).

All that to say, when faced with pushback from genuine objections, web designers should know how to gently counter common website objections with empathy and constructive guidance, helping business owners keep an open mind.

Common Website Objections

  1. I Don’t Need A Website
  2. I Can’t Afford A Website
  3. I Can Use Facebook, a Business Directory, or a Website Builder for my Web Presence
  4. I Have A Cheaper Quote From Someone Else
  5. I Can Build a Website Myself
  6. I Wouldn’t Know What To Do With A Website If I Had One
  7. Most Of Our Customers Aren’t Computer Savvy & Like The Personal Touch
  8. I’ve Never Heard Of You
  9. Our Existing Website Is Fine
  10. I’ve Had A Bad Experience With An Agency In The Past
  11. Agency-X Has More Experience In Our Industry Than You

So in the spirit of meeting each other half way, these are my leanings on common website objections about investing in a website, being mindful of a fully developed customer journey within the framework of sustainability and business growth.

Starting with, “Your business doesn’t need a website.”