Agency-X Has More Experience In Our Industry Than You

Technical SEO, Keyword SEO, and AI – three resources that are responsible for ranking a website, and have nothing at all to do with industry experience.

Let’s just think about this for a minute. Just because another agency has built websites in a specific industry, doesn’t mean they’re an expert in that industry. Nor does it negate the fact that someone else can do the same.

We all follow systems. We all research a clients’ business, competitors, and overarching industries. It’s not about knowing more than the other guy; it’s about knowing systems and tools, and what works in today’s digital landscape. Period.

Tools Over Experience

Secret Tool #1 – Function Over Familiarity

The biggest oversight with objecting to a lack of industry experience is that it has no bearing on the technical side of building a website. Web development doesn’t care what industry it’s being built for, and every website build shares the same framework. So, there’s no justification to claim industry experience in this sense.

Secret Tool #2 – SEO Content

Nor does this objection carry weight with content creation. It may not be obvious to a business owner but getting content to rank is 100% based on SEO strategies facilitated by industry-leading discovery tools that can identify the minutia of any industry. Familiarity with an industry never comes into play.

Secret Tool #3 – AI Content

And the game-changing puzzle piece that virtually eliminates the need to have any experience in an industry is the ability to draw from AI resources that unilaterally generate relevant content in less time than it takes to say Agency-X’s name.

Technical SEO, Content SEO, and AI – thee most productive resources that are responsible for ranking a website, and have nothing at all to do with industry experience.

Apples & Oranges

Agency-X might have experience in your industry but how do they measure up in the areas that count: Technical SEO, Organic SEO, Self-hosted website solutions, and CRM (Customer Relationship Management) solutions. These categories have nothing to do with niche-related experience and yet are the mainstay of ranking websites.

Ask yourself whether Agency-X’s industry-related experience encompasses the ability to rank your website, grow your business, and manage your customer base. Because building a website isn’t a one-dimensional effort.

For the record, Web Design is an industry that promotes partnerships between designers and their clients.  Which means that we count on your expertise in certain areas just as you count on ours. This also means that if we’re not familiar with your industry, we know that we can count on you to help fill in the blanks.

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